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5 Elements of Meditation

Five Elements of Meditation (Infographic) All of us have heard about the benefits of eating healthfully, exercising regularly, sleeping well, spending quality time with loved ones. And, many of us are familiar with the concept of meditation but either convince...

Exploring Inner-Peace on Winter Solstice

Being at peace with yourself sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? But we know it certainly isn’t always easy. As we gain awareness of our emotions and thoughts, and as we authentically begin to believe and accept that we are enough just as we are, being at peace with...

A New Approach to Remembering September 11

Today is September 11th. 9/11. 911. Fifteen years ago today, the morning news greeted people in the United States with stories of a horrific act of terror unlike any other in this country. Today, we remember, we grieve; we all have our own stories of where we were,...

Adopt a Positive Mindset in 5 Simple Steps

Adopt a Positive Mindset in 5 Simple Steps Do you sometimes have a plain old grouchy day? Do you ever find yourself replaying a fight with a friend over and over in your head? Do you sometimes get hit with the blues or the blahs and you feel like you have a hard time...