“If you have patience you will find the wisdom in things.”
I recently heard the phrase “time famine” as a way to describe the feeling that comes when we have a huge “to do” list without feeling like we have enough time to get it all done. I know what that is like… I finally wrote down all the things that needed to get done and thought, “I’m really glad I’m taking a staycation next week so I can plow through some of this list.”
On the whole though, I feel pretty lucky, as the list doesn’t overwhelm me. I’m able to separate myself from it, and recognize that I’m still OK if I don’t get everything done in some made-up time frame. What I’ve learned over the years is to recognize I have the symptoms of “time famine” but to be patient with myself in the process. And through that patience, I’ve found the wisdom to be at peace with what I can get done hour by hour.
This idea of using patience to find the wisdom in things can be used in many instances. For example, have you ever written then sent a reactionary email in response to something that upset you, and afterward, when you cooled off, wished you’d not sent it as you learned of further details that would have tempered your response? Or have you ever been frustrated by really wanting something to happen, a new job or car or relationship, but it didn’t turn out the way you wanted, and in hind-sight you’re quite grateful things didn’t work out? I bet we can all think of examples that fit this idea.
So, when you get settled into your meditation for today, bear the above idea in mind. And, as you move through your day and week, remember to find patience, for it may lead to unexpected wisdom.