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May 1There is no wrong way to meditate. Find yourself, find peace within yourself, extend it to others.

Are you ready? First, let’s start with setting an intention, or defining motivation. Why do you want to commit to meditating every day this month? Is it to calm your mind? To reduce stress and gain better health? To become a more patient and kind person to those around you (believe me, they’ll notice a difference!)? To be better connected to a life source greater than your conscious mind? For me it is a bit of all of these.

But one thing that sticks in my mind at the moment is something I learned while watching the movie The Connection, and that is: studies have found that meditation changes how our bodies express our genetic material. So, in other words, I live with the genes that I was born with, and I can’t change that, but I can change how those genes show up in my life. This is true in cases where the poor expression of genetic code (ie. development of disease) is affected by stress. So, reduce the stress, and in turn change the way the genes express. Meditation is proven method of reducing stress.  

So, let’s get going! Don’t worry if you “don’t know how to meditate”, there is no wrong way to meditate. If you’re brand new to meditation try the idea of starting with a minute and increasing by a minute each day. If you have a practice you love, use that. Over the weeks these posts will include videos, audios, and plain old text. But they’ll always include an inspirational quote and photo as well. 

Enjoy your first day of meditation, and I’ll talk with you tomorrow!
