“Function from kindness… it is not always easy to do, but do your best.”
Have you ever found yourself being ill-tempered or short with someone (or yourself!) when in reality there is no reason to be acting that way? Again, it is one of those things that sometimes creeps up on us when we’re not even aware it is happening.
One solution is to be more mindfully aware of the moment. Catch yourself before you say something or act in a certain way and ask yourself, am I being kind by saying or doing this? Does it contribute to the situation? Is it beneficial? Is it most kind? If the answer to any of those questions is no, then reconsider your action.
Another solution when you’re on the verge of being unkind is to take a moment to check in with the underlying unmet need. Is something else going on that is driving your desire to act? For example have you ever been mad about something at work and that translates to yelling at the dog? Have you been frustrated with your sister so you snap at your spouse? When ever you’re being short tempered, take a moment to breathe and consider what the true cause of the distress might be. Then determine right action in the moment from there.
It isn’t easy to be kind at all times, but it is something to aspire toward. And as you move through your days with the intention to be kind you may find that it becomes easier and easier to do, and that you are more content and at peace.
Bear this idea in mind as you move into meditation today and then carry forth the idea for the rest of the day. Practice functioning from kindness and notice the changes you feel in your own outlook.
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