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Generosity of Love“Believe in the generosity of love, for what is given away will come back.”

On those grumpy days, when you feel constricted physically and emotionally, have you ever considered that what might open you up is giving something away? Offering generosity or altruism, in whatever form makes sense in the moment, often helps shift our perspective away from our self-cranky tunnel vision to the recognition that we have something to offer to someone in need. Altruism can take many forms, offering time or money, or opening a door for someone, or smiling, or even the simple act of wishing someone well with good intention.

Being generous allows us to view others with greater compassion, as we often find good qualities in people to whom we are kind.  Being kind promotes a sense of connection with broader humanity; we being to think “just like me” this person might appreciate a smile, or a hand with the door. Being generous helps us appreciate and express gratitude for our own good fortune.  And, your act of generosity may start a chain reaction of positive action.

So whether you’re feeling cranky or stressed and need a boost, or if you’re filled with joy and gratitude, remember that what you give will indeed come back, sometimes in ways you might never have expected or even recognize in the moment.

Keep this idea in mind as you begin your meditation today, and practice being generous. Notice how it feels, and what kinds of things come back to you.