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Become your own best friend“Always find the friend in you….it will always be loyal.”

More often than not, when we think of being compassionate we think of directing that compassion elsewhere. When we think of being kind, we think of others first. However, making sure that you are kind and compassionate toward yourself is critical in being able to extend to others in a sustainable way. As we continue with our meditation practice we not only become more comfortable in our own skin, as we discussed yesterday, but we also begin to rely on our inner wisdom, our inner light, to help us become our own best friend.

For me this photo is a wonderful metaphor for being our own best friend. I imagine the large shadow as being my everyday self, and the little shadows are the sometimes nagging, self-critical voices that crop up. This image reminds me to be friendly with all aspects of myself, sometimes easier said than done. But with continued meditative practice it becomes easier.  So, today at the start of your meditation remember the above phrase. And, either meditate for 5 minutes with that thought in the back of your mind, or meditate in whatever way suits you today.

More helpful things to consider…

I listened to an interview with Kobe Bryant where he discussed the value of  meditation as a way to keep him in peak performance. One of the things he said that I thought was particularly meaningful was that for him, the value of meditation, and motivation to practice it really clicked in  when he was able to tie it to something he was passionate about. In his case enhanced performance. He meditates every morning for 10 to 15 minutes and says it is a way to set him up well for the day. He’s found that meditation helps him find mental clarity that he can use in any situation, on the court or off. Can you create a connection between something you’re passionate about and meditation to help you stay motivated? Post your comments here. We’d love to hear from  you.