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self-judgement“Don’t compare yourself to others… know you are enough.”

We all do it at one time or another… we see someone else and wish we had their attributes or their stuff, or their social position, or skills. But ultimately all of those comparisons are external facing, and crop up when we’re not feeling 100% content with who we are. When we are in moments of self-judgement. The past few days have followed a theme of self appreciation, and the above idea dovetails into that.

When we are truly content with ourselves we can begin to let go of comparisons. We begin to accept ourselves as we are, and we begin to accept others as they are without a need to hold both side by side. You are a unique individual. Embrace that. So for today’s meditation, consider the above phrase, and though it may bring up resistance at first, simply acknowledge the resistance, lean into it, and know that you’re human. But stick with it. Return to the breath. Return to the idea. And with practice it will become second nature.

More Helpful Things to Consider…

Here are a few more practical ways to help life a live without comparison.

Focus your awareness on your own successes

You are a unique person, and the only one who has lived your life. Take a moment to consider all the things you do well, big or small. You have the capacity to love, create, serve, and contribute. You simply need to let that shine through you in authentic ways. Find what you love about your skills and actions, and aspire to pursue those things more often.

Compete less, appreciate more

At certain times competition is appropriate, but not all moments of life need to be competitive. Take a look at when you find yourself comparing to others, is it coming up because of competition? If so, how would things be different if you approached that moment with a collaborative perspective? Rather than looking at others as competitors, find a way to appreciate them. Admire the strengths in others and help yourself grow your own strengths. Practice routinely appreciating and complimenting the contribution of others, and notice the effects that has on your mind and spirit.

Express gratitude everyday

Notice the good things about yourself and the world around you. Notice external things: the birds outside the window, the shape of clouds overhead, how nicely those shoes fit on your feet, the warmth of the water in the shower. Be grateful for them. Notice the internal things: the kindness you extended to someone yesterday, the love you have for your dear friend, the willingness to become healthier in spirit, body, and mind through practicing meditation. Be grateful for them.